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School Management System

  • Your Name: Saya Technologies
  • Contact Number: 03035992539
  • Address: Islamabad
  • Select Your City: Islamabad
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School Management System

School management system is an advanced management system, in which sixpersons can login and edit data as per the requirement or needed, and only particular pages will be open on the particular ids. Admin, accountant, librarian, teacher, and parents . After login process, admin can view total number of students, total number of teachers, total books in library, current month expenses, total salaries paid, and total cash collected. Admin can also view the all activities done on the portal by teacher, student or librarian and also view the other pages like manage students, teachers parents etc. It is an integrated management system that remove the human errors and increase efficiency of work.

But, if accountant login with his ID, so the person can only view the pages of student dues, teacher expenses, school expenses, collect fees, pay salary, and updating of profile. The other function cannot be viewed on accountant’s profile.

Librarian can edit on the following pages, like add books, all books, issue books, and return books etc.

If Teacher will login from his/her profile so they can edit or view manage students’ attendance, assignments, management of students’ complaints, and update of profiles.

Students can view their attendance, assignments assigned by the teachers, complaints and update of profile on their portal.

Parents can also view their child’s attendance and assignments options on portal.

. Admin Portal Functions

1. Manage Students
You can add, edit and delete the students from manage students. Students contains also portal. Student can view daily and monthly attendance, pending assignments and completed assignments, view complains and update profile etc.

2. Manage Teachers
You can add, edit and delete the teachers from manage teachers. Teachers contains also portal. Teachers can record attendance of his/her class, view today attendance and complete attendance logs, create assignments, view pending assignments and completed assignments, complains of students and update profile etc.

3. Manage Parents
You can add, edit and delete the parents from manage parents. Assign students to Parents. Parents contains also portal. Parent can view attendance, pending assignments, completed assignments and complains of of his son or his daughter.

4. Manage Librarian
You can add, edit and delete the librarian from manage librarian. Librarian contains also portal. Librarian can add new books, view all books, issue books to students and return books etc.

5. Manage Accountants
You can add, edit and delete the accountant from manage accountant. Accountant contains also portal. Accountant will manage dues of students, expenses of teachers, expenses of school, accountant can collect fees and can also pay salaries to teachers.

6. Manage Complaints:
Admin can lodge complaint of any student, and student can view that complaint on its portal and parents can also view that lodged complaint of their son / daughter.

7. Manage Attendance:
Admin can manage and record attendance of student on daily or monthly basis, and also view the record by the portal

8. Manage Expenses:
Admin can add / view monthly expenses, and also check the record on daily or monthly basis.

9. Manage Classes:
By portal, admin add new classes and assign teacher of that class, that teacher would be the class teacher of that class.

10. Update Profile

11. General Settings

2.2. Accountant’s Portal Functions

1- Student Dues:
Dues of new admission students can edit or add by accountant and only viewed by admin.

2- Teacher Expenses:
You can add or view the transportation, salary, and other expenses of new teachers.

3- School Expenses:
In monthly expenses you can add school rents, electricity bills, internet bills, salaries. Generator expenses, utility bills, and the all miscellaneous expenses and update the expenses on monthly basis.

4- Collect Fees
You can view and check the fee dues of previous months that whom have paid the fees and whom are not paid yet, you can also collect the fees and adjust in the system to update the fees portal. You can check the records for all payments of previous collects.

5- Pay Salary
You can check the paid and unpaid salaries of teachers, the paid salaries can be viewed and unpaid salaries can be paid and recorded in portal. You can check the complete records of your paid and unpaid teachers.

2.3. Library’s Portal Functions

There are so many features for librarians also that make system well-organized, listed below:
1- You can add new books in the portal.
2- Issue books to students.
3- Update and record after taken book back.
4- Update the data as per needed.

2.4. Parent’s Portal Functions

The portal is very effective for parents also, parents can manage and view attendance of whole month.

They can view assignments, home works and deadlines given

Listing ID: 817640f63515d69f

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