99 years Lease Plots Land on installments for Sale
- Your Name: Ujala Builders
- Contact Number: 03312150877
- Address: Adjacent OGDCL, Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway M-9
- Select Your City: Karachi
- Listed:
- Expires: 168 days, 2 hours
PLOTS LAND on installments for Sale
SITE ADDRESS : Adjacent OGDCL, Opposite Commander City Karachi-Hyderabad Motorway M-9. (Super Highway)
CONTACT : 0331-2150877
* Lease of 99 years
* Security Guards 24/7
* Possession on 50% of full Payment
Safe & Secure Land with clear documents (Come to our Office and check all documents)
Great Location
Best opportunity for investment
350, 500, 1000, 2000 & 4000 Square Yards
OFFICE ADDRESS : Suit No.6, Mezzanine Floor, Mashriq Centre, Gulshan-e-Iqbal (Block-14), Karachi.
NOTE : We have so many options for Land buyers
Ujala Builders : Name of Trust