- Your Name: Khan Mart
- Contact Number: 03303838120
- Address: Quetta Jinnah Raod.
- Select Your City: Quetta
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- Expires: This ad has expired
Dates are a healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to their sweet taste, nutrients, fiber and antioxidants.
There are many different ways to eat dates. They are commonly eaten plain but can also be incorporated into other popular dishes.
Whole fruits take time to chew and digest. Because of this, you feel fuller and your body can easily tolerate the small amounts of fructose.
Access of Everything is bad for health.
KhanMart Provides a Premium Quality of Dried Fruits at your Door Step.
Contac us now:
WhatsApp: 03303838123
Facebook: KhanMart
Listing ID: 776609526814c551